Global Suppliers

Suppliers from more than 200 countries provide quality products for global buyers

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Global Buyers

Active buyers across six continents, high-quality inquires bring more business opportunities

Purchase inquiries'number increasing year by year
Purchase inquiries country statistics

Promoting Globalization

StoneContact is present at all major stone fairs


StoneContact Service Products

Diversified products : promote efficient communication and trade between buyers and suppliers

    Stone Scanner

  • Scan HD Pictures

    Picture Recognition

  • Smart matching for stone
  • and suppliers information

    Image Montage App

  • Fit scanned images together
  • as a complete slab


  • Push real-time matching for inquires

    Stone 3D Actual Scene Display System

  • Generate and send high quality displays for product application

Customer Reviews

We choose StoneContact for making great industry contacts and best information.

Other Reviews

Marmores Sergio Coelho (Portugal)  Cruz

Thanks to, it has led me to get some orders. From the beginning of this year to now, we have had four cabinets ordered.

Marmi Mantico SRL (Italy)  Alessandra

For us, is a great showcase to show our products, we have ideal orders almost 3/4 time of one year on it. Our products have great success in the US market. Carrara White has the most inquiries.

Dalei Stone (China)  Helen is very effective. I connected with my biggest customer using this platform. Currently there is a big order under negotiation, and this customer is also from

Universal Producing (China)  Jack Wong is much better than other platforms. We successfully got three orders using it, and now there are 2 more orders under negotiation. Although they are not big they have big profits. The gross margin can reach about $200,000.

Vieka Stone (China)  Sanni Shi

StoneContact's effect is very clear. It is always present in stone fairs all over the world, and has big marketing power, this is good and effective. This platform has many real customers.

Dongguan Kongder Industrial Materials (China)  Miki

I find is more useful than Alibaba, as there are almost no garbage inquiries on I had contact with three customers, one is an American boss, he saw my products and arranged domestic staff to contact me. The result was a great order. The other two did not order yet, but they are also target customers.